In this post we answer the most common diet questions related to menopause. Is Keto right for Menopause? We answer this question in a separate post here. Does Soy assist menopause? The research on soy is conflicting and confusing. Some research insists that phytoestrogens are bad, especially thyroid function. Others
Solving Menopause (2) – Diet choices

In this blog series we discuss diet and lifestyle changes specifically to assist with menopause symptoms. We answer some of the most common questions asked. Please also refer to our first blog in the series to gain a holistic understanding of the protocols. Is a Keto diet right for menopausal
New Year, New You! Solve your menopause symptoms!

Solving your menopause symptoms Suffering from hot flushes / night sweats? Suffering from mood swings, depression, anxiety? Suffering from restless leg? Joint or Muscle Pain? Suffering from low libido or low energy? Got brain fog? Poor memory recall? Feeling fuzzy? Gain relief for your menopause symptoms naturally! Contrary to popular