In this post we answer the most common diet questions related to menopause.

  • Is Keto right for Menopause?

We answer this question in a separate post here.

  • Does Soy assist menopause?

The research on soy is conflicting and confusing.  Some research insists that phytoestrogens are bad, especially thyroid function. Others say it is helpful  for menopause.

The biggest issue about the research is that there is no declaration about what Soy source the studies are using (i.e. whether they are using gmo or organic).  I would NOT personally recommend GMO Soy products.  Logically GMO does not make a lot of sense and it is likely to be 30 odd years before people realise it may be harmful.

I suspect GMO Soy is likely to be getting the bad results in the studies.  Given most of the studies are Europe & US were most Soy is GMO and so the studies are likely to be using GMO Soy.

I personally have a decaf Soy Cappuccino’s using Organic Soy Milk.  I don’t use any other Soy products as most are not organic/non-GMO.  I am also a big advocate of my Magic Curative Coffee which I take from my Ayurvedic training. I have a curative coffee every morning. 

If you like Soy, then use Organic Soy and in moderation. People with thyroid issues may be more susceptible to the phytoestrogens causing havoc.  If you have a thyroid issue and menopause issues (and most do, then go easy on the Soy).

  • Should I have Magnesium?


Magnesium for menopausal women is absolutely critical, like Calcium. If you have any physical complaints, the chances are you are deficient.  Pain is a clear indicator of magnesium deficiency as are Menopause symptoms! 

However, taking supplements is fraught with issues.  Find out more about magnesium for menopausal women here.

  • Can I drink Alcohol and/or Caffeine?

It depends. If you have hot flushes/night sweats, fatigue then Caffeine and Alcohol is contributing to it.  In general, caffeine and alcohol generally makes these symptoms worse for many women. Caffeine and alcohol in particular have a direct impact on your endocrine system,  especially your cortisol levels, so if you are already unbalanced hormones (i.e. menopausal symptoms), then it is probably not a good idea.

I have a protocol of using good quality Decaf coffee.  I sometimes have an occasional caffeinated and I avoid alcohol in general. I have an occasional glass or two these days on a social event every now and then, but don’t need the calories or the affect!

Coffee drinkers often object to decaf coffee. I used to be one of them, I can assure you.  However, as a coach and Kinesiologist, I decided to do some mindfulness on it.  What I discovered is that this is just a psychological barrier.  I truly prefer decaf these days!

Great decaf coffee often can be better than average coffee!  The trick is to get a good quality one, like Nespresso or Toby Estate (I’ve personally researched these two, I am sure there are many more).  Make sure you have an organic decaf or at least a non-chemical processed coffee.  It is probably not a great idea to go cold turkey if you are highly reliant on coffee for false energy.  I suggest easing into it and swapping out decaf. 

If you are struggling, the likelihood is that you have a deep seated emotional issue related to it. I would also strongly suggest several Kinesiology sessions to assist with this.

  •  What about gluten and dairy?

It depends! Gluten and Dairy were introduced to our diets relatively recently. So most of us have not had time to evolve to properly digest these foods.  In fact there is research and estimates to say that 80% plus of us, do not tolerate these foods well.

Whilst some people have severe intolerances, many of us have sensitivities.

I am often amazed at what sensitivities arise in a Kinesiology session with someone.  I always test the client’s body for a period of reset (ie. Eliminate from diet for a particular time period), as the body knows exactly what is required to assist it getting back into balance.

However, everyone can test a sensitivity by eliminating from your diet for 18 days.  Why?

Well, firstly it takes a full 3 days to reset your system to the elimination.  Your taste buds are created every 14 days.  So after 18 days, if you feel better with the food eliminated, then avoid it and you will have no taste for it either.  If after 10 days you feel no different then you can then slowly introduce into your system and see how you feel.

  • Does Candida have anything to do with Menopause?

Yes, in my experience it does. From an Ayurvedic perspective (thousands of years of wisdom) have insisted that gut health is central to all dis-ease in the mind & body.

These days western research shows growing evidence that when our gut is malfunctioning it not only affects our endocrine system, it affects our immune system, our bones, muslces and joints (due to malabsorption) and even our mental health!

From a functional medicine perspective, when our gut is malfunctioning (such as with Candida Albicans or other parasites/bacteria) then our endocrine system is knocked out of balance.  Similarly, if we are stressed, stress plays havoc with our digestion ,and then in turn plays havoc on our endocrine system.  The whole system is inter-related. This is why many people have metabolic issues or some nature.

When you look at the Candida symptoms, you will notice, funnily enough that they many of those symptoms are related to Menopause.

You can find out more about Candida and our recommended Candida diet here.  

I find that Kinesiology program gets specific on the energetic and metaphysical nature of your menopausal and Candida issues. Often we need to clear symptoms holistically (mind, body and soul) for a full healing.  Kinesiology supports our bodies coming back into balance and especially works well with menopause symptoms.

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Solving Menopause – Diet Questions

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